Campership FUND

Our Campership Program relies on the generosity of individuals and families to make Camp Trinity accessible to every child who dreams of spending a session on the Ranch. Your tax-deductible donation directly funds life-changing camp experiences for deserving kids.

Checks can also be made payable to the Bar 717 Ranch/ACA Campership Fund and mailed to: The Bar 717 Ranch, 17197 Hyampom Road, Hayfork, CA, 96041. All donations are tax-deductible, and we’ll send you a receipt to confirm your gift. Thank you for your support!

  • Thank You

    "We are blessed to have such a generous gift extended to our daughter in being able to return and participate into the Bar 717 community once again to celebrate and share the flourishing gifts available in your summer camp paradise. Please forward our appreciation to all who made this possible for our child. The type of contributions that include access, diversity, inclusion, multicultural sharing, and respect lights our children’s lives and is sparked every year at your summer camp."
    Campership Recipient

  • Why I give

    “I love giving to the Bar 717 Ranch Campership Fund. It helps me stay connected to a place that was pivotal in my life and development. I love knowing that my donation helps ensure Camp is accessible to everyone. I give a small amount each month so everyone at Camp knows they can count on me, just like I’ve always counted on them.”

    — A. Cassidy, Camper and Staff Alumna

  • Why I give

    “Unambiguously, the single best thing I have done as a parent for my kids has been to send them to Camp Trinity. (Never mind that it was one of the best things my parents did for me!) Every child deserves this opportunity. I feel privileged to be able to help provide this awesome opportunity to other children.”

    — E. Small, Parent and Camp Alumnus

  • Why I give

    “The camper experience had such a profound effect on our children, we felt it imperative to contribute in order that the opportunity could be extended to as many young people as possible!”

    — N. & J. Grossman, Parents

  • Why I give

    “Because of the gratitude we feel for what camp has given me and my family, I want to make sure any camper who wants to go, can – without worry about costs.  We know that our gift will provide direct support to send kids to Camp Trinity so they can have the same life changing experiences we’ve had as campers.”

     – G. Kimbell, Camper, Family Camper & Parent


To find out more about our Campership Program and opportunities for financial aid, click the link below.