Update from the Campership Fund
This past summer more than 40 deserving children experienced the magic of Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 Ranch thanks to the support of generous donations to our Campership Fund. Nearly every child who received a Campership shared that their camp experience was “the BEST summer of my life!” Our goal is to be able to offer any child the opportunity to attend a session at camp, regardless of their ability to pay.
Over the last few years, our camp community has helped to raise more than $40,000 annually to support Camperships. Our goal for the summer of 2016 is to raise 40,000 again. As of January 15th, we are nearly halfway there.
As you plan your charitable giving for this year, we hope that you will keep the Campership Fund in mind. Your generous gift will help create a summer to remember for even more deserving kids. Gifts of any size are welcome.
Our Campership program is run through the American Camp Association. You can give online at www.bar717.com/campership or checks may be made out to “ACA” with “Bar 717 Campership Program” printed in the lower, left-hand corner. Donations are tax deductible and 100% of the funds raised will be used for Camperships with no administrative overhead. Checks can be mailed to:
Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 Ranch
17197 Hyampom Road
Hayfork, CA 96041
For donations of $300 or more, we will include your name on the annual tribute wall, which sits outside the Camp Library. We also have a beautiful CD of camp songs, or a fabulous Rainbow over Barn Hill or Winter on Barn Hill photo – mounted on canvas, that you can choose as a “thank you” gift!
For donations of $500 or more we will send you a lovely commemorative book of camp history entitled Recipes for Life or a cutting board made from an old apple tree that grew on the avenue.
Donors over $1,000 will get to choose 2 of these special gifts.
Thank you for your consideration and for your continued support of camp. With your help, we can continue to fulfill our mission to offer a rustic, outdoor camp experience where people of all ages can follow their curiosity and develop new skills, while contributing to a supportive, fun-loving community.
If you know of a child who would benefit from a Campership, please contact Kent or share the information on our website. If you have questions about the Campership program or want to learn how to get involved, please contact David Rosenstein.