September Food Weekend

Dear Friends of Camp: we are excited to invite you to our first-ever Food Weekend on the ranch! Join us from Friday September 6th – Sunday September 8th to celebrate food grown and raised on the ranch. We’ll be harvesting and cooking vegetables from our garden, butchering and cooking chickens, making fresh-pressed apple cider, and enjoying meat that was raised right here at Camp.

Our Saturday night dinner will be prepared by Chef Dana Marie. Chef Dana Marie has been personal cheffing in Hawaii, LA, the Bay Area, and Oregon for over 15 years. Self-taught and having trained with a variety of chefs, she grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a unique exposure to its creative, farm to table culture. Dana’s approach to food is simple, intuitive, inspirational and is a rustic display of gourmet, world fusion cuisine. Exhibiting a deep respect for our farmers, the earth and its bounty, Dana passionately sources regional, seasonal and organic ingredients to bring together a custom experience.

Rates (per person):
$125 per night for indoor room
$75 per night for a platform
$50 per night for kids under 12

To sign up, please complete this short form with your information. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 530-628-5992. We hope to see you on the ranch!


Fall Volunteer Work Weekend: October 4-7


The First Community BBQ