Summer Reflection

By Lucy Robb, 2018 counselor

In all honestly, before I’d even boarded the plane leaving Edinburgh I was wondering what I had done. I was in way over my head. What was I thinking? Flying half way around the world to the middle of nowhere where I knew nobody to spend the summer working with kids I was worried would hate me from the word go… At first I was insanely overwhelmed and all I wanted was to go back home. Deciding to come to California in the first place was a big step for me. It was the biggest trip I’ve ever made at all, let alone on my own.

I was eaten alive by Mosquitos, touched poison oak countless times, fell asleep under the apple trees at lunch, and was woken up many times in the middle of the night by homesick kids. But now that I think back on it… I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Being on the ranch taught me I am so much more capable than I give myself credit for. I can do anything I set my mind to. I am a strong individual, and I do have my own voice and I can make my own decisions. I can lead others and allow others to influence me positively. It’s okay to open up to people without the fear of being laughed at or teased. It taught me that some things are best left unsaid and that a hug or a smile can say a thousand words. It taught me that you are only as far away from home as you allow home to be, and for me, it became my home, and the people around me became my family.

To break it down to a job title makes it seem so simple “camp counsellor”, but you’re also a teacher, a guardian, a first aider, a shoulder to cry on, a plumber (darn toilets!), a lifeguard, the voice that says “are you sure that’s a good idea”, an older sibling but most importantly, you’re an influence. I’d never had children look up to me in such a way that made me want to be the best version of myself because these kids were always looking up to me… and now being back home, I continue to strive to be the best version of myself because being a camp counsellor isn’t just time to kill and some money to be made for a couple months, it’s life lessons, and making friends for life. It’s a summer I will hold close to my heart forever and a place I know I can always call home. 


My Outpost Experience


Pouring Concrete: Haikus