Bar 717 Ranch Campership Program Update

For the last 2 years a small group of camp supporters have raised money for the Bar 717 Campership Fund (Camp + scholarship – scholar = Campership, you get the idea!). Last year, through the incredible generosity of the camp community we raised over $30,000 and helped 30 deserving children and teens who could not afford the entire fee attend camp. One of the fun things for me about running last year’s Campership Campaign was to not only see the outpouring of support but where it came from: we had donors from all over the U.S. (including Hawaii); and foreign countries including England, India and Russia! Clearly, the Bar 717 Ranch has touched lives around the world!

I was able to spend some time with a few of the campers we supported and camp was life-changing for them. This might have been particularly true for a few campers who came from difficult circumstances and foster homes. I believe that for all campers (Campership or not) the rich experiences, deep friendships, and precious memories will stay with them for a lifetime. Time spent at the Bar 717 Ranch is unplugged joy. It’s the way childhood summers are supposed to be spent.

Because I believe so wholeheartedly in the Camp Trinity experience (and was asked in a moment of weakness!) I’ve agreed to chair an effort to raise $40,000 for the Bar 717 Campership Fund for this summer and help 40 kids attend. As last year, the generosity of our camp community is absolutely breathtaking – we are already above $30,000!

To those of you who have already donated we extend another heartfelt thank you!

If you have the means please consider pitching in something to help us cross the finish line. Every little bit helps. To express our appreciation for your generous support, your name will appear on a special tribute wall at camp displaying the names of all donors of $250 or more. This year’s “thank you gift” for donations over $250 is a CD of camp songs or a fabulous Laura Higley “Rainbow over Barn Hill” mounted photo. For those who can donate $1,000 or more we will also send you a basket of delicious Camp grown and produced edibles, a perfect way to reconnect to camp at your “other” home.

One of the beauties of Camperships for the donors is that the money goes through the American Camp Association (ACA) and is 100% tax deductible. Donations can be made via the camp website or by sending a check directly to camp (made out to Camp Trinity / Bar 717) and specifying Campership Fund on the memo line!

If you know of a child from a family that might need some assistance to attend camp, please have them apply for a Campership. To do so they can fill out the application found on the website or contact Kent and Gretchen directly. Typically, a Campership is 50% of the session fee but cases are reviewed individually and the amounts vary. The money is given out based on need but also by when the request is received so applications should get in early.

The Campership Program is another manifestation of the Camp Trinity Way – extending ourselves and sharing our good fortune to bring those into our circle who otherwise would never have been part of it. I am deeply touched by the big heartedness of our donors and grateful to have a way to assist in bringing even more campers into our special camp community.

David and his son Gabe, a former camper and counselor.

About the Author: David Rosenstein

I was introduced to camp by my wife Tori Nourafchan. She was a camper in the early 70’s and tested my worthiness as a potential mate by seeing if I liked camp.  I passed the exam with flying colors.  All my kids (Gabe, Theo and Izzy) attended camp at a very young age, in fact they were all on platforms in utero and continued for many years once they were actually born. I am a graduate of UCSC (Go Slugs!) and own a small business that I run as a model of environmentally and socially responsible practices. I am pleased and proud to help make it possible for deserving kids to attend camp through our Campership Fund.


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