Give the Gift of Camp: Donate to the Campership Fund

Dear Friends of Camp,

At this time of year, as we think about gratitude, our minds often return to thoughts of Camp — to memories of singing around the campfire, cooling off in the river, and adventuring with friends surrounded by nature. How lucky are we to have experienced this little slice of heaven, even if today it is only in our memories? 

It is our deep appreciation of these experiences that motivates our work to expand access to Camp through the Bar 717 Ranch Campership Fund. For more than 50 years, individual donors have contributed to the Campership Fund to offer financial assistance to families who might not otherwise be able to afford a session of camp. Just last summer, we were able to offer more than $45,000 in Campership awards to new and returning camp families. Here’s a small glimpse into what our campers and parents had to say about Camp this year:

At camp I learned how to feel more comfortable with myself. Since it’s such a supportive environment I can be myself without the fear that I won’t be accepted by my peers. I learned the value of responsibility and working together with my platformmates to build a sense of community and belonging.” – Camper

Summer at Camp Trinity at the Bar 717 Ranch is what summer should be. Slow and easy, fun and silly. A place of wild beauty where kids can be themselves, make new friends, and enjoy a sense of discovery. The staff deeply respect and honor each camper’s individuality, creativity, and ideas they bring to camp. We are forever grateful for Camp Trinity.” – Parent

As we get ready for Summer 2024, we will continue to offer Camperships so that even more kids may be touched by the Bar 717 magic. You can help us by making a donation, which can be made online at: or by check payable to Bar 717/ACA Campership Fund and mailed to Bar 717 Ranch, 17197 Hyampom Road, Hayfork, CA 96041.

And remember all the things you or your child learned or enjoyed at camp – whether it was to store a broom with the bristles up or to offer to the left and pass to the right at meals; how to saddle a horse or collect eggs from a chicken; how to make a friendship bracelet or sing a song under the apple trees; to be unplugged and connected to nature. These lessons last forever, as do friendships made at the Bar 717 Ranch.

Wishing you a happy holiday season! With sincere and heartfelt thanks,

Bob Small and Laurie Leighty

Campership Committee

The Bar 717 Ranch Campership program is run through the American Camp Association. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You can learn more about the Campership Program on our website. If you or someone you know would like to apply for a Campership, you can learn more here


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