2019-2020 Campership Campaign
We are proud to announce that 2020 will mark our 40th year of offering financial assistance through the Bar 717 Ranch Campership Program. We’re asking you to join us in our mission to make Camp Trinity available to every child who would like to spend a session on the Ranch.
Last year, contributions from our camp community made it possible for 30 kids to attend camp who otherwise might not have been able to have that important experience. One Campership recipient shared:
“I have had so many wonderful experiences that I will remember for my whole life. One memory is when I climbed Gates, that experience was truly amazing. I can’t imagine not going to camp, it’s like a piece of my life. I have had so much fun on my past overnights. This last summer I really loved the new eating platform and I always love the food! I will trade any day of the real world for a second of Bar 717. All of my friends since our first platform are still so close. I consider them some of my closest friends. I love singing at the campfire, it is something I never get to experience in my life outside of camp. This last year my platform friends and I spent a lot of time in the garden, picking beets for lunch and eating raspberries. I also had a lot of fun tearing down the small animals barn even though it was hard work! Camp truly means so much to me.”
This year, we have set an ambitious goal to raise $50,000 to support life-changing camp experiences for deserving kids. We are 25% of the way there, but we need your help. We hope that you will remember Bar 717’s Campership Fund in your year-end giving. Contributions are tax-deductible and 100% of all donations will be applied to providing a camp experience for a deserving child.
You can donate online through the American Camp Association website or you can donate by check. Checks can be made payable to the Bar 717 Ranch/ACA Campership Fund, and mailed to: The Bar 717 Ranch, 17197 Hyampom Road, Hayfork, CA, 96041.
You can also support the Campership Fund by sharing the program information with families who you think might be interested in applying for a Campership. The program details and 2020 application are available on our website.
Thank you for all that you do to support Camp. Here’s to another fantastic summer, which will be here before we know it!
Lissy, Julie & Laurie
The Bar 717 Campership Committee
Lissy Abraham (1969–74), Julie Wacht Conway (1973–present), and Laurie Meyn Leighty (1975-76)