Help Us Make Summer Magic: Support the Campership Fund

In 2024, we received more applications for financial support through the Campership Program than ever before. We were thrilled to offer more than $110,000 in Campership awards to support 34 families in sending a child to Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 RanchThis year, our requests for Campership support caught up with–and exceeded–our reserves. We continued to offer Camperships even after funds ran out, recognizing that there were deserving kids who could benefit from a session of Camp.

We are grateful to the generous camp families, alumni, and friends who contributed to this effort to help many families have their first camp experience. Here’s a glimpse into the summer:

“The feeling I get from camp is something I haven’t got from anywhere else, that’s why camp means so much to me. I believe everyone should experience that at least once in their life.” – Camper

“My child’s first summer at Bar 717 was one of such growth, discovery, and adventure! She felt immediately accepted and valued, and she loved every second of her session. She challenged herself with new activities such as blacksmithing and horseback riding, and found a beautiful community that she can’t wait to return to next summer.” – Parent

This is why we do this work – to help more kids experience the transformative effects of Camp. Our fundraising efforts for the summer of 2025 are critical to ensuring that we can continue to offer these opportunities to new and returning campers in the coming year. We are asking for your support in replenishing our Campership Fund.

You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation online using the button below.

Or mail donations by check payable to Bar 717 Ranch/ACA Campership Fund to:

Camp Trinity on the Bar 717 Ranch | 17197 Hyampom Road | Hayfork, CA 96041

In a world full of uncertainty, the importance of providing kids with opportunities to build strong connections with nature and friends is undeniable. We hope that you will join us in our mission to make Camp available to every child who would like to spend a session on the Ranch. If you have questions or want more information about the Campership Fund, we’d love to connect.

Wishing you a lovely Holiday Season!With sincere and heartfelt thanks,

Bob Small & Laurie Leighty

Campership Committee


2024: Year In Review


Voces del Fuego (Voices of Fire) Documentary