5 years, 22 weeks, 135 days
Originally shared at Vespers by Sarah Fahn
In the 5 years, 22 weeks, and 135 days I have spent here in total, I will never forget the irreplaceable friendships, sisterhoods, and experiences I have made and lessons I have learnt at this magical place. Every day I have spent at the Bar 717 Ranch, I continuously grow as a person. I first came here as a curious and rowdy 12 year old, never once exposed to nature and had never really met her true self. Two weeks later, I came home and couldn’t shut up about the all the stars I’d seen, the green grass at inspiration point, and the connections I’d made with people who loved me for me.
The next summer I returned for a month, so eager to be with all my incredible friends at the greatest place in the world. Little did I know that these friends would soon become my sisters and brothers and shape my 13 year old self into an even better version of me. That was the year I learned to not care what anyone else thought of me, that these people loved me for me.
The next summer, I returned seeking adventure, not knowing what to expect. I spent some time with my bestest friends and then stepped out of my comfort zone, exploring the trinity alps; I entered the alps not really knowing what to expect and dreading the daily 9 mile hikes. 14 year old me soon learned how much she loved backpacking and jumping off of 30 foot cliffs. Prior to this trip, I probably would’ve laughed if someone told me I fell in love with nature and hiking and that I had the courage to jump off of that large of a rock as well as leave camp for four days. I left the alps with many more friendships and a new perspective on how I make decisions. That was the year I learned to take chances, always, and to take advantage of incredible opportunities when they are offered.
The next year, I returned as a 15 year old girl, eager to make even more memories with these incredible people who had become my family. I didn’t think it was possible to become even closer with people who I was already so incredibly close with. But once again, I proved myself wrong. I was a very daring and excited person at the time. I saw many moons, never laughed harder, danced in the rain, and saw camp in a whole new perspective. I found myself in the alps once again, surrounded by wildflowers (when I’m my happiest), following fawns at sunset, and having a very different experience than my first trip. At 15 years old, I learned to find beauty in everything and to love unconditionally.
I came back this year at 16 years old and have never been happier to be with a group of people at the most amazing place. I have never felt more filled with pure joy and happiness in my entire life, surrounded by people who have become a part of who I am and constantly love me for the weird Sarah Fahn I am. The lessons I have learned and friendships I have made will stick with me forever. These dear friends of mine have taught me to always smile and stay positive. Laughter is the best medicine. Love your body because thats the only one you have. The only one that will move you across mountains and waterfalls and long dirt roads.
I’ve learned to love and laugh and that it is okay to cry, even when you are happy. Always remember to treat life like a burrito. Enjoy every single bite of that burrito, especially the last, so when you are finished you will remember how great that burrito was, but in a happy way. Please enjoy the beautiful silence as you lay here in the tall green grass as the sun begins to hide behind the mountains. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.