Nick and Jean’s Boardgame Corner

jean and nickWe moved to the ranch full time two years ago in large part because the rural lifestyle allows us to play more boardgames. To say that boardgames are our hobby is an understatement. In 2019 we played 94 different games 354 times with 122 different players in 21 different locations. We love boardgames and they help us get through the cold winters at the ranch. So to help you unplug this season, here are Nick and Jean’s official winter boardgame recommendations:

  • Just One: A word guessing game that captures camp’s cooperative spirit because everyone is on the same team playing against the game.
  • Visitor in Blackwood Grove: One player is an alien that invents a rule that determines which items can pass through their force field. This game feels the most like a game you’d play at a table or on the platform at camp.
  • Incan Gold: A game about getting the most treasure by pushing your luck further than anyone else. This is a game about getting outside your comfort zone and accepting failure with grace, both camp traditions we love.

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