Apple Jubilee

Last year we hosted our first annual Apple Jubilee, a special event that celebrates the bounty of apples that we harvest in the late summer here on the Ranch. Fourth session campers and counselors organized booths inspired by apples and … Read More

Apple Sauce

Homemade apple sauce has been a staple on the Ranch for years. Each summer and fall, we can dozens–if not hundreds–of quarts of apple sauce from apples harvested at Camp. It’s delicious on its own, but it’s also the perfect … Read More

Hike the River Trail

The river trail is one of our favorite places to explore. Take a walk with us between Girls Camp and the Swimhole to see how things are flowing along the banks of Hayfork Creek.

Apple on a String

Apple on a string is a classic Harvest Festival game that you can play anywhere and with almost any fruit, vegetable, or food. To play, you’ll need: Apples (or any other fruit that can be attached to a string) String … Read More

Pillow Jousting

Pillow jousting has been a Harvest Festival favorite for years. As in medieval jousting, your goal is to knock your opponent to the ground. The only differences are that instead of riding a horse, you’re on a balance beam, and … Read More