Campers relaxing in sleeping bags at dusk in the Trinity Alps

Here is the schedule for a typical day at camp at Bar 717…

7:00AMRanch ChoresOn a volunteer basis, campers can help staff get horses ready and animals fed for the day.
Program Areas OpenStaff lead a wide range of activities, from trail rides to blacksmithing to pottery. Campers have the freedom to participate in whichever activities they choose on their own schedule.
1:15PMRest HourDowntime in the afternoon to rest and have some quiet time with the other campers on their platform.
2:30PMSwimming at the riverThe perfect time to jump in the river in the heat of the afternoon.
6:00PM Dinner
7:15PM Evening ActivitiesEvenings vary throughout the session, they include activities with similar-age campers, a camp wide un-talent show, or one of our special events, like the International Festival or Community BBQ.
9:00-9:30PM BedtimeVaries by Age